Services – Project Funding

In recent years in partnership with associates Alan Jones has successfully secured in excess of £50 million in capital project funding. Alan Jones Associates specialise in securing funding both capital and revenue for Community Projects. As there are never any guarantees on securing funding, the company have developed an approach where they incur all the risk, and if funding isn’t secured then there is no fee.

  • In some cases we have brought in 100% project funding(£10m Aquadome)
  • In others for every £1 invested we have attracted £9 of investment (£7m Community Halls funding)
  • Recently we have secured 95% funding for 8 projects with the remaining 5% being in kind.
  • We have secured in excess of £50 million in external grant aid.
  • Our Success Rate in obtaining Grant Aid is currently around 76%

We are happy to offer a no obligation consultation for any group or organisation who would like to informally discuss their future funding requirements.

About Alan Jones Associates:

Alan Jones Associates is a Scottish based strategic community development consultancy specialising in strategic reviews, community engagement, feasibility studies, options appraisals, business planning and securing project funding.