Case Studies

Out and About in Dunoon

Dunoon Area Alliance aims to bring community groups, organisations and individuals together to achieve outcomes which are beneficial to the community and which are community driven. Dunoon Area Alliance delivered the Think Dunoon Charrette generating the Action Plan which now informs the activities of the Alliance.

Dunoon Area Alliance was awarded funding from the Scottish Government’s Making Places fund for community-led design. The award allowed the Alliance to bring in Alan Jones Associates to work creatively with the Dunoon community to consider the provision of play areas and outdoor activity spaces across the town. The aim is to design improvements or new developments that will suit all ages and abilities and encourage the community to be more active.

Alan Jones Associates undertook extensive community consultation, delivering surveys, public meetings, school sessions and visual audits structured around the Placemaking standard tool. This led to the development of a costed strategy of key project for improvements to public spaces and outdoor activities in Dunoon.

Out and About in Dunoon Master Plan

Out and About in Dunoon Master Plan

Concept of redesigned Dunoon Promenade

Concept of redesigned Dunoon Promenade

Concept of Dunoon Water Sports Facilities

Concept of Dunoon Water Sports Facilities